Sunday, June 16, 2019

ignorance of Indian stray dogs

I have a indie puppy . I had got him from a street in Bangalore ,while we were travelling back to my home town. When i told my friends about him, they made fun of me .That is the reason i had taken up on writing a blog on the internet . Indie dog breeds have a big history . Just like foreign countries have they're own breeds we too have ours . Mudhol hound, Rajapalayam , Kanni, bully kutta are far better than other dogs . I have a personal experience of having a Labrador retriever and a stray pup. while my lab was  friendly with outsiders ,the indie pup  is aggressive with outsiders and friendly with us .  Indie dogs do not need much maintenance and do not have any stress related issues while my Labrador had fur loss and diahorrea while it had stress. Though you do not get the same way a Labrador plays, indies are good. Kerala faces a issue of dog menace , we can control it by reducing waste thrown .( ) please encourage adoption of indie dogs and stop buying pets because you encourage cruel breeders then . According to some sources the origin of staray dogs are form brazil and it is dated back to the neolithic era.When they were brought to India . due to the sarcastic way towards these dogs it led to a downfall of domesticating these dogs

(  Author is a protester against people cruel to animals especially dogs)

how the pandemic changes our lives , and use of ai during the pandemic

last day Apollo hospital in India started using robots to scan temp in the human body, to detect the novel corona virus.  In this centur...